If you would like to join the Friends of Castleshaw please go to the Membership section on this website.
Price for a single membership is only£12 pa
and £17 for a family per annum.
You will be supporting a voluntary group set up to protect and discover more about these forts and other archaeological remains in the beautiful Castleshaw Valley.

Membership entitles you to reduced entry to our Winter talks, participation in excavations (membership required for insurance purposes) and early access to the Annual Excavation Report together with other reports via the Members section of our website.

For forthcoming activities, please see the Events section and we welcome visitors to our talks .

Council for British Archaeology
Latest Dig Diary

Summary of the ongoing 2024 excavations

Please see the Dig Diary for the latest updates from 2024 Here.

The 2024 excavation season within the recently discovered Roman fort annexe has now been completed and our fantastic team of volunteers, some of whom are pictured here on the last day, have made some amazing discoveries. If you want to find out more then please look at the Dig Diary for 2024 or/and come along to the AGM on 19th March 2024 when Norman will give a lecture on the excavation results and future plans
2024 Dig

The Friends of Castleshaw Roman Forts don’t only carry out excavations - we also help to improve the area for the many visitors to the site. Recently three members worked really hard and did a fantastic job repairing the building lines within the fortlet that had become weathered over the past few years.
Remounding 1 Remounding 2 Remounding 3 Remounding 4


A 3D LiDAR Flyaround of the Fort area at Castleshaw.
Click to pause or expand.



Over recent years the grass mounds marking out the footprint of the Roman timber buildings have become illegible. These markings are important in helping the several thousand school children and members of the public who visit the site each year understand the layout of buildings within the fortlet. The building lines were first set out in 1989 then refreshed in 2009.

Over the years, weathering and vegetation overgrowth have denuded the mounds. So we are delighted to announce that United Utilities, the landowner, have provided a grant to re-mound the building wall lines. Their contractor, JVT, commenced work on Tuesday 16th August after Norman and Jayne Redhead from the Friends had marked out the building lines the day before. The Friends funded orange fencing and road pins to protect the mounds from sheep/dog damage until the grass seed can get established and stabilise the mounds. All the work was undertaken in accordance with Scheduled Monument Consent from the Secretary of State via the agency of Historic England.


Norman Redhead


JVT Staff

JVT staff mounding up the building lines

Barrack Block

A low oblique view across the barrack block and commander’s house in the eastern half of the fortlet. Photo courtesy of Phil Barrett

Aerial Image

Aerial view of completed building lines, with key to explain their function. Photo courtesy of Joolze Dymond, one of our Friends’ volunteers, who kindly took drone photographs.

Steve Tamburello and Chris Wilde from the University of Salford Archaeology department have produced some new Drone images of Castleshaw with process Lidar image
Click here or the image below to see the Drone images

Steve Tamburello and Chris Wilde

Latest Reports ! See the Members Area.

Latest Waters Clough Report - Summer 2020

Latest Fort Report - Summer 2019

Mike Nevell, Norman Redhead, Free Book

Mike Nevell, Free Book

We are very pleased to accounce that Norman has found the bathhouse at Castleshaw  ....
 and its here!

Many congratulations to Norman on his special birthday (and thanks to Jayne and Norman's colleagues at Salford University for organising the cake)

Normans Special Birthday cake

Latest Reports, Please see the members page

Waters Clough latest report

East Fort latest report

12/02/18, Snowy view along the valley towards Delph
Feb. 2018, Looking from the fort towards Delph.
The roman road visible as the whiter line in the middle distance
Click the image for a larger view.

If you can't spot the roman road above, click here for more on this section of the road.

Please keep an eye on these pages for the coming events in 2023,

News :

We are planning a number of digs over 2023, both at the Forts and at the Waters Clough monsatic site.
These digs will be open to members of the friends so if you would like to be involved and are not currently a member please consider joining.


Benefits of joining also include reduced entry fee to lectures and access to the members area of the website containing the latest documenst and reports.

Coming soon(ish): Lidar and Aerial images of the Roman Road through Saddleworth.
A Taster with the section from Delph to Castleshaw.

Oldham Times

The Report for the 2014 Fort Excavations is now available, Please see the Documents page for details

May 2014

The Friends of Castleshaw Roman Forts were awarded a major grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to support its research into the area's Roman history. We were given £70,100 to carry out a fresh excavation of the site.

This has been concluded, please see the blogs to the right.
The final report is Here.


Please see the hlf page for further details

See the July 2014 excavation diary at the Castleshaw Blog ...
Plus read all about the Castleshaw Roman Day Conference....
And the Mytholme Mill investigation in Blog2

Press the 'Blog' buttons below

.. and dont forget to Follow the blog to get updates delivered to you.

Castleshaw through the ages ... press the buttons below the map.



The above gives a quick flavour of the 2014 excavation, the full story is on the blog ..
with additional pictures and comments on Facebook


By the 1980s Castleshaw Roman Fort was in need of some care and attention.

While most of the underlying archaeology was still intact the surface was badly pitted and spoiled by centuries of digging by various antiquarians and archaeologists.

A visit to Castleshaw in 1980 was a difficult experience. Visually it was a mess and it was difficult to make out the lines of the walls. The lunar landscape left by previous diggers had been colonised by moorland vegetation and it was difficult to walk over it.

Something needed to be done to preserve and protect what is a valuable archaeological site.

In 1984 a conservation exercise was undertaken on the fortlet. This removed the spoil heaps, reinstated the bank and ditch and conserved the interior of the fortlet.

The main outer fort wasn't touched and still requires a similar programme of restoration and conservation.


Castleshaw Roman Fort Future

The major challenge we now face is how best to enhance the public's experience of the forts without jeopardising any of those factors which make the place so special.

The aim of the Castleshaw Conservation Management Plan is to improve the interpretation of the site and the publics experience of the forts.


This is there the Friends come in ..
With targeted excavations within the fort and the surrounding area we aim to increase the knowledge about the fort and its environs, search for missing Roman features such as the Bathhouse and reinstate damaged areas of the outer fort.
We hope to include the Saddleworth community and schools in our activities, including the onsite work and offsite research into the existing archives and finds collections and bring a digitised library to this website.


We are grateful for the support of the following



In 2012 the Friends Saddleworth Archaeological Trust  (FoSAT) merged with the Friends of Castleshaw Roman Forts.
The Archived website of FoSAT is available
here and includes various newsletters which may be of interest.

Where are we?
View Larger Map   |   Get Directions

OS Map in a new page ... Here

© The Friends of Castleshaw Roman Forts , 2024


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